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[GRM+01]  Artistic Composition for Image Creation

Gooch:2001:ACI (In proceedings)
Author(s)Gooch B., Reinhard E., Moulding C. and Shirley P.
Title« Artistic Composition for Image Creation »
InRendering Techniques 2001. Proceedings of the 12th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, (London, jun 2001)
Editor(s)S. J. Gortler and K. Myszkowski
AddressBerlin · Heidelberg · New York
Editor(s)S. J. Gortler and K. Myszkowski

Altering the viewing parameters of a 3D object results in computer graphics images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is the composition of the image. While the esthetic properties of an image are subjective, some heuristics used by artists to create images can be approximated quantitatively. We present an algorithm based on heuristic compositional rules for finding the format, viewpoint, and layout for an image of a 3D object. Our system computes viewing parameters automatically or allows a user to explicitly manipulate them.

BibTeX code
  optnote = {},
  optorganization = {},
  author = {Bruce Gooch and Erik Reinhard and Chris Moulding and Peter Shirley},
  optkey = {},
  optannote = {},
  optseries = {},
  editor = {S. J. Gortler and K. Myszkowski},
  address = {Berlin {$\cdot$} Heidelberg {$\cdot$} New York},
  localfile = {papers/Gooch.2001.ACI.pdf},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/647653.732295},
  optmonth = {},
  citeseer = {http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/gooch01artistic.html},
  optcrossref = {},
  booktitle = {{R}endering {T}echniques 2001. {P}roceedings of the 12th
               {E}urographics {W}orkshop on {R}endering, (London, jun 2001)},
  optstatus = {doi},
  optvolume = {},
  optnumber = {},
  title = {{A}rtistic {C}omposition for {I}mage {C}reation},
  abstract = {Altering the viewing parameters of a 3D object results in computer
              graphics images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is
              the composition of the image. While the esthetic properties of an
              image are subjective, some heuristics used by artists to create
              images can be approximated quantitatively. We present an algorithm
              based on heuristic compositional rules for finding the format,
              viewpoint, and layout for an image of a 3D object. Our system
              computes viewing parameters automatically or allows a user to
              explicitly manipulate them.},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {83--88},

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